Last Words Of Famous Dead Authors

When you have spent all your life writing ,then its important that your end word's are eloquent too.Below are last words of  some authors,some are more poetic than others.

1."Goodnight my kitten"-Ernest Hemingway 
Spoken to his wife before he killed himself

2."I must go in,the fog is rising"-Emily Dickinson

3."I want nothing but death"-Jane Austen
Austen said this in response to her sister, Cassandra,who was asking her if she wanted anything.

4."On the contrary"-Henry Ibsen
It was a comic response to his maid,who suggested that the playwright's health was improving.

5."Lord help my soul"-Edgar Allen Poe

6."It is most beautiful"-Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Victorian poet's sent off is a cheery juxtaposition to Austen's

7."I am dying ...please,bring me a toothpick"-Alfred Jarry

8."Take away these pillows,I won't need them any longer"-Lewis Carroll

9."Goodbye,if we met-"-Mark Twain
Spoken to his daughter Clara

10."The wallpaper  and I are fighting a duel to death.One or the other of us has to go"-Oscar Wilde

11."But the do the peasants die?"-Leo Tolstoy

12."Does nobody understands"-James Joyce

13."Is it not meningitis?"-Louisa May Alcott
She did not have meningitis ,though she believed it to be so.She died of mercury poison.

14."On the ground"-Charles Dickens
He suffered a stroke outside his house and was asking to lay him down on the ground.

15."Dying is easy ...comedy is hard"-Gorge Bernard Shaw

16."Don't ask me how I am !I understand nothing ,more"-Hans Christian Anderson

17."Go away ,I'm all right"-H.G. Wells 
He didn't know he was dying

18.Salvador Dali hoped his last words  would be "I do not believe in death" but his actual last words were "Where is my clock?"

19."Surprise me"-Bob Hope
He was responding to his wife asking where he wanted to be buried.

20."Now I can cross the shifting sands"-L. Frank Baum

21."I have to set my pillows one more night,when will this end already?"-Washington Irving

22."I've had 18 straight whiskies...I think that's the record"-Dylan Thomas

23."I am about to take my last voyage,a great leap into the dark"-Thomas Hobbes

24."Since the day of my birth,my death began its walk.It is walking towards me,without hurrying"-Jean Cocteau . This was quite realistic

25."Moose...Indian"-Henry David Thoreau

26."I can't sleep"-J.M. Barrie

27."More light"-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

28."I haven't had champagne for a long time"-Anton Chekhov

29."Relax-this won't hurt"-Hunter S.Thompson

30. Roald Dahl last words are  commonly considered as"You know ,I am not frightened.Its just that I will miss you all so much " which are the perfect parting words.But ,after he appeared to fall unconscious and the nurse injected him morphine to ease his passing.His actual last words were "ow,fuck".

Which are your favourites?If they are not present above then please let me know in the comments below.


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