12 Benefits Of Reading

Reading is a good habit I'm sure everyone knows that but  we don't always posses good habits,do we?I love reading very much ,its not always just the novels or books but magazines and articles.There are many people who love reading like me but  are oblivious to the benefits of reading.Many think it is a boring  thing to do and don't like it.We all have heard that reading is good but do we know why?So here is a list of benefits  that will tell you the importance of reading  .Some of the benefits are backed with scientific researches and some are known facts.

1.Reduces Stress
In 2009,the scientists at University Of Sussex analysed how different activities reduce stress levels by measuring heart rate and muscle tension.Reading a book or newspaper for just six minutes can reduce up to 68% of stress which is way higher and has stronger effect than other activities-going for a walk(42%),drinking tea or coffee(54%),or listening to music(61%).It is because whenever you read you are fully immersed into the plot and the distraction to the literary world distances you from everyday stress.So the easiest remedy to get rid of stress is to indulge in a good book.

2.Gives Knowledge
One of the main facts why we read books is to gain knowledge.Books are a rich source of information.We have classes,seminars and software too for gaining knowledge but we need to pay for them ,whereas you can grab a book in a library and learn the topic you want.While reading our brain is filled with bits and pieces of information and you never know when it might come handy. 

3.Mental Stimulation and Lower Risk of Alzheimer's Disease
Like our body brain need to exercise too to keep it strong and healthy.A decline in memory and brain function is a side effect of aging but regular reading can slow this process.Similar to solving puzzles reading provides a good exercise for your brain.By being mentally stimulated you can avoid Alzheimer's disease and dementia. According to research people who read or solve puzzles have 2.5 times less risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

4.Leads to a Longer Life
Daily reading may lengthen your lifespan.According to a study people who read for 30 minutes per day lived nearly two years longer.People who read more than 3.5 hours per week are 23 % less likely to die and people who read less than 3.5 hours per week are 17% less likely to die.So,reading daily can give you a healthy and long life.Plus what I think a reader lives many lives,he/she lives the life of characters of the book which he is currently reading whereas who does not read has only one life.

5.Helps with Depression and Dysthymia
Reading self -help books can ward off depressive occurrences.Just like lowering your stress level,reading stimulates the part of brain that deals with depression as well.Self-help books,full of information about how to better yourself and your state of mind can help to battle depression.Even if you are not suffering from either depression or dysthymia reading self-help books can improve you. While reading you are focusing on the story rather than things that depress you .Decreasing depression might be an odd benefit but the it can also help top brighten your mood and lift your spirits.

6.Enhances you Imagination and Empathy
Reading transports us into literary world and requires us to sympathize with characters emotions.It helps us with the ability to put yourself into someone else's shoes,and detect and experience their feelings ourselves.According to a research reading fiction books helps readers to understand what others are thinking. Personally,I never thought I would cry over a book but I did .I don't if I'm empathetic or not but yeah I do love the feeling character's emotions.

7.Boosts your Vocabulary
Reading helps to build up our vocabulary.I have been listening this from parents and teachers since I was a kid .Reading indeed helps us to expand our vocab .As we are reading we come across and learn new words . Your vocabulary won't magically expand overnight ,it will eventually increase if you read daily and won't even recognize that you have strengthen your vocabulary.Today, we can get the pronunciation of the word digitally ,please do check how the word is pronunciated because its really embarrassing to hear a different pronunciation(correct pronunciation ) than you have deciphered while reading.

8.Improves Memory and Concentration
When you read a books you need to remember all the details about the character ,the background ,history and many other things as the weave their way through the story.This helps in increasing your memory retention capacity.Amazingly,every new memory you create forges new brain pathways and strengthens existing ones, which assists in short term recall as well as stabilizing methods.Reading mystery books sharpens your minds and make you observant.
Read a book for 30 minutes and you will be amazed at how focused you will become.

9.Cheap  and Portable Entertainment
You can carry and book anywhere as it is neither bulky nor occupies much space.Books are a way better entertainment than movies.Though movies have their own thrill but reading a good book can provide you with much better knowledge and benefits than idolizing with the T.V.Reading provides us peace and we can read at our pace ,so its a better form of entertainment for people from all ages and all walks of life.

10.Boosts your Sleep
Reading doesn't immediately makes you fall asleep .It relaxes you and de-stress you and leads to a peaceful sleep.Reading daily before sleeping helps the body to identify that its time for rest .My mother suffers from insomnia and the doctors advised her to read a page before going to bead and she does sleeps now.It doesn't matter if you're insomniac or not reading helps you to have a peaceful sleep.But reading on a e-reader is not advisable because according to a study any exposure to digital screen before sleeping can disturb your sleep cycles.

11.Develops Critical Thinking Skills
Reading can develop critical thinking skills .For examples,reading a mystery novel sharpens your mind .Critical thinking skills are important when it comes to day to  day decision making.Reading requires to think and process information in a certain way that television can't.The more you read the deeper you understand about what you're reading and its applications.

12.Makes you a better Writer
Reading doesn't just has health benefits but helps in all round development of the reader.Those who write know the importance of reading .It doesn't matter if you are writing a book or a short story the thing you have read make a strong impact in your writing skills.Your writing skills improve day by day and you don't even realize it.

Books are amazing things,they are almost like tools for a healthy lifestyle.It doesn't matter what you are reading ,read whatever appeals to you .The book which is loved by one cannot be understood and liked by other.So whatever your preferences are choose a book you like and read atleast for 30 minutes a day.Avid readers carry books with them all the time and know the importance of books but those who don't like reading and consider it boring I will advise to go fetch a genre that appeals to them and read one page a day .Believe it in the time being you'll like reading because books have a magic that engulfs you while you read.


  1. I love learning about benefits of activities I love doing anyway haha. Reducing stress is such an important one when everyone is so stressed out.

    1. Yeah I think everyone should give it a try for relaxing and reducing stress

  2. Reading is very important. Great post.

  3. This is a wonderful post! I'm a real bookworm myself, and when I'm not reading, I'm listening to audiobooks. I had no idea reading had so many benefits! I didn't know it helped stave of Alzheimer's and lead to a longer life! I'm very glad to hear that :)

    1. Ohh you're just like me .Now you can state them all when someone says you read too much 😂☺.Thanks for stopping by

  4. Love your analysis of the benefits of reading - all so true. I love getting lost in a book!


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